Saturday, June 14, 2008

To My Daddy

Sometimes (well most of the time) I suffer from this thing called "mom guilt" because I'm not a stay-at-home Mom. A few weeks back I was talking to another working mother about this and I said, "it is not about quantity - it is about quality." I believe in this statement because I lived it first hand.
You see my Dad worked two jobs for as long as I can remember. He might not have been at the super table every night, nor on every day trip I went on as a child but there was NEVER, EVER a moment when I didn't know that my Father loved me more than anything in this world. He was there for the important things. He never missed a dance recital or one of my brother's baseball games - he was always there to cheer us on to let us know that there was nothing more cherished in his life than his children.
Being a parent, I know now, why my Dad worked all those jobs. It was because he wanted only the best for us. We may not have grown up "rich" but I never knew that because I was given anything and everything I ever wanted. Now, some may call it spoiled but I just call it loved. It was very important to my Dad for my brother and I to achieve our dreams and he would go to the ends of the earth to make them come true. When I say this I don't just mean it was all about money, it had nothing to do with that - not at all. My Dad made us believe in ourselves. He made me feel confident - like there was nothing in this world I couldn't achieve. My Dad gave us the wings so we could fly. There was never a time in my life when I thought someone didn't believe in me -- because I had my Dad by my side.
There was also never a time in my life when I didn't feel loved. My Dad may not have been demonstrative about his feelings but he has always had a gentle but strong way of loving someone that I wouldn't trade for the world.
One of the best traits my Dad possess is his selflessness. My Dad is the guy that truly would give you the shirt off his back. After my college graduation my Dad (of few words) said to me, "Jennifer today you made my dreams come true." Dad I want you to know that you made my dreams come true too. I love you with all my heart. I am blessed and forever grateful to be able to call you Dad. Like you have been there for me always, I want you to know that I am here for you always. There is nothing I wouldn't do for you. Happy Father's Day from one very lucky girl.


A Lo said...

You missed your calling, I think you should have written a book. You eloquently put into words your thoughts and I love reading your adventures and can't wait for more. Love,Hugs,Kisses Aunt Lorraine

The Kamienski Chronicles said...

You are incredibly sweet to say so. Thank for you for reading and being a fan of the blog!