Yes, I love many people. I love my son, my husband, my parents, my brother, other family members and friends (to name a few). I guess you can say I am lucky that I have so many people to love in my life. However, I have a confession to make I have a new lover. Wally rarely reads the blog so I don't have to worry about him finding out. I'm also not leaving Wally (though if you met this lover you might be tempted too)-- this new entity in my life is truly a lover in every sense of the word. The lover came in to my life unexpected. I had been disappointed by a past love and decided to venture into new territory. I was nervous at first and couldn't make up my mind whether to do it or not but I did...
One night with my new lover and I wanted more and more and more. My new love is sweet and smooth and quite delicious. Although, he can be cold at times. I was delirious with excitement after our encounter. I'm not selfish either - I'll share my new lover too. I encourage you to try my new lover out. My lover can be found in Morristown on South Street at a little cafe called Bonte. I have included my lover's picture below so you'll know him when you seem him. Trust me you won't be disappointed. Guilty yes, disappointed NEVER.
Can we make it there and back in an hour? If so, I'm thinking Coyne road trip!
We most certainly can. Let's plan a trip next week!
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